Apprenticeship Opportunities

Apprenticeship Opportunities

We're are looking for a summer intern! Someone special to help grow our team this year. It's a full time, living on-farm opportunity for a dedicated person who is interested in learning all about a lifestyle of non-industrial beyond organic farming. Get your resumes in! Also, please share with your networks :)

Apprenticeship term: March-May to October-November
(terms can go earlier & later. Actual start & end dates can vary)

Work Schedule:
Work 5 days/week (minimal choirs required on days off)

No specific work experience is required, although a great attitude is essential. 

Primary Responsibilities
– Maintain, feed and daily movement of pastured chickens
– Help with day-to-day cattle care and movements
– Collect, clean and package eggs
– Participate in broiler/turkey processing days 
– Sustain good customer relationships
–Field clearing for future pasture

All room & board free. Stipend is $100/week with possible bonus pay based on performance advances.
You will eat well while you are here, as there is a generous food allowance during your stay. Beef, Chicken, Pork and Eggs are available to you right from our farm store. Work and share in the harvest of the intern/apprentice/family vegetable garden as well.

Further learning Opportunities:
We’re interested in investing in the skills set of our people. We want to graduate our people to higher levels of responsibly once reliability is proven. We offer access to and cultivate skills beyond the initial job scope. These include, but are not limited to skill development in animal husbandry, general farming, bee apiary, spinning out honey, making soap, cow milking, using raw milk (butter, cheese yogurt etc.), machinery operation (tractor, excavator, welding etc.), farm fencing, water systems, forestry work (harvesting &  milling), construction, butchery skills and more. These opportunities are made available after diligent application to ones core responsibilities.

Must Have Qualities:
– Reliability is Essential / Good work ethic
– Comfortable in working autonomously and as a team member
– Attention to detail and respect for efficiency
– Passion for farming & animals
– Willingness to learn
– Positive/pleasant attitude
– Good communication skills
– Non-complaining personality
– Valid drivers license

Job Application Form:
Please answer these questions below and email your application to

Name: (first and last)
Current Address: (street, city, state, zip code)
Phone Number:

-What interests you about the apprenticeship/internship and what do you hope to gain from it? 

-What complimentary skills would you bring to this position (experience w/ animals, gardening, mechanics, carpentry, computer skills)?

-You must be able to routinely handle heavy things. How do you feel you will be able to handle a job that can be physically exhausting?

-Tell us something unique and interesting about yourself and include some personal interest and hobbies.

Reference 1,2,3 (Please include Name, phone number and relationship)
Please attach your up-to-date resume.

We look forward to hearing form you!
~Ben & Ruth Kane

Crunchy Farm

Helping restore relationships between God, People & Agriculture